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There are 15 words containing LANAR

PLANARplanar adj. Of or pertaining to a plane.
planar adj. Flat, two-dimensional.
planar adj. (Graph theory, of a graph) Able to be embedded in the plane with no edges intersecting.
COPLANARcoplanar adj. (Geometry, of at least two things, usually lines or plane figures) Within the same plane.
coplanar adj. (Astronomy, of multiple planets or other orbiting bodies) Orbiting a central celestial object within…
COPLANAR adj. on the same plane.
PLANARIAplanaria n. Plural of planarium.
PLANARIA n. a kind of aquatic flatworm, also PLANARIAN.
NONPLANARnonplanar adj. Not planar.
NONPLANAR adj. not planar.
PLANARIANplanarian n. Any of various flatworms of the order Tricladida living in marine, freshwater, or terrestrial environments.
PLANARIAN n. a kind of aquatic flatworm, also PLANARIA.
PLANARIASPLANARIA n. a kind of aquatic flatworm, also PLANARIAN.
PLANARITYplanarity n. The condition of being planar.
PLANARITY n. the property of being planar, lying in a single plane.
UNIPLANARuniplanar adj. Having, or lying in, a single plane.
UNIPLANAR adj. lying in one plane.
PLANARIANSplanarians n. Plural of planarian.
PLANARIAN n. a kind of aquatic flatworm, also PLANARIA.
COPLANARITYcoplanarity n. (Geometry, of at least two things, usually lines) The state or characteristic of being within the same plane.
coplanarity n. (Astronomy, of multiple planets or other orbiting bodies) The state or characteristic of orbiting a…
co-planarity n. Alternative spelling of coplanarity.
NONCOPLANARnoncoplanar adj. Not coplanar.
NONCOPLANAR adj. not coplanar.
PLANARITIESplanarities n. Plural of planarity.
PLANARITY n. the property of being planar, lying in a single plane.
COPLANARITIEScoplanarities n. Plural of coplanarity.
COPLANARITY n. the state of being coplanar.
MISCELLANARIANmiscellanarian n. (Obsolete) A miscellanist.
MISCELLANARIAN n. (obsolete) a writer of miscellanies.
MISCELLANARIANSmiscellanarians n. Plural of miscellanarian.
MISCELLANARIAN n. (obsolete) a writer of miscellanies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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