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There are 13 nine-letter words containing LYTIC

ANALYTICSanalytics n. The principles governing any of various forms of analysis.
analytics n. Discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful patterns in data.
ANALYTIC n. analytic logic.
AUTOLYTICautolytic adj. (Pathology) Relating to autolysis.
AUTOLYTIC adj. relating to autolysis, the breaking down of tissue by the action of its own enzymes.
CATALYTICcatalytic adj. (Chemistry) Of or relating to a catalyst; having properties facilitating chemical reaction or change.
CATALYTIC adj. acting as a catalyst, also CATALYTICAL.
CYTOLYTICcytolytic adj. Of or pertaining to cytolysis.
CYTOLYTIC adj. relating to the dissolution of cells esp. by breaking down their outer membrane.
HEMOLYTIChemolytic adj. Producing hemolysis; destroying red blood cells.
HEMOLYTIC adj. destroying red blood corpuscles, also HAEMOLYTIC.
HOMOLYTIChomolytic adj. Of, pertaining to, or produced by homolysis.
HOMOLYTIC adj. decomposing into two uncharged atoms or radicals.
LIPOLYTIClipolytic adj. Of or pertaining to lipolysis.
LIPOLYTIC adj. of or like lipolysis, the disintegration of fat, also LIPOLITIC.
LYTICALLYlytically adv. By means of, or in terms of, lysis.
LYTIC adv. relating to lysis, the disintegration or destruction of cells.
MUCOLYTICmucolytic adj. Serving to dissolve mucus.
mucolytic n. A mucolytic agent.
MUCOLYTIC n. an agent that is able to break down mucus.
ONCOLYTIConcolytic adj. That breaks up cancer cells.
oncolytic n. Any drug or substance that breaks up cancer cells.
ONCOLYTIC n. an agent that destroys tumours.
PARALYTICparalytic n. Someone suffering from paralysis.
paralytic n. A drug that produces paralysis.
paralytic adj. Affected by paralysis; paralysed.
PYROLYTICpyrolytic adj. (Chemistry, physics) Of, relating to, or produced by pyrolysis.
PYROLYTIC adj. relating to pyrolysis, decomposition due to heat.
ZYMOLYTICzymolytic adj. Causing fermentation.
ZYMOLYTIC adj. relating to zymolysis, the action of enzymes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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