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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing LUSIV

COLLUSIVEcollusive adj. Secretly acting together for a fraudulent or illegal purpose.
COLLUSIVE adj. characterized by collusion.
ELUSIVELYelusively adv. In an elusive manner.
ELUSIVE adv. tending to elude.
EXCLUSIVEexclusive adj. (Literally) Excluding items or members that do not meet certain conditions.
exclusive adj. (Figuratively) Referring to a membership organisation, service or product: of high quality and/or renown…
exclusive adj. Exclusionary.
INCLUSIVEinclusive adj. Including (almost) everything within its scope.
inclusive adj. Including the extremes as well as the area between.
inclusive adj. (Linguistics) Of, or relating to the first-person plural pronoun when including the person being addressed.
OCCLUSIVEocclusive adj. That tends to occlude.
occlusive n. (Phonetics) A phoneme produced by obstructing airflow in the vocal tract, but not necessarily in the nasal tract.
occlusive n. (Cosmetics) A product that forms a protective film and traps moisture against the skin.
PRELUSIVEprelusive adj. Acting as a prelude; preliminary.
PRELUSIVE adj. introductory, also PRELUSORY.
RECLUSIVEreclusive adj. Of, characterized by, or preferring privacy and isolation; secluded.
RECLUSIVE adj. solitary by nature.
SECLUSIVEseclusive adj. Serving or tending to seclude (oneself); affecting seclusion.
seclusive n. A person who stays in seclusion; a recluse.
SECLUSIVE adj. tending to seclude.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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