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There are 10 nine-letter words containing LINGU

ANILINGUSanilingus n. A form of oral sex in which the tongue and lips are used for stimulation of a sexual partner’s anus.
ANILINGUS n. oral stimulation of the anus, also ANILINCTUS.
BILINGUALbilingual adj. Having the ability to speak two languages.
bilingual adj. Spoken or written in two different languages.
bilingual adj. Characterized by the use or presence of two languages.
LINGUALLYlingually adv. Towards, or in relation to, the tongue.
lingually adv. In a lingual manner, relating to language or linguistics.
LINGUAL adv. pronounced with the tongue.
LINGUICASlinguicas n. Plural of linguica.
linguiças n. Plural of linguiça.
LINGUICA n. a spicy Portuguese sausage, also LINGUISA.
LINGUINESlinguines n. Plural of linguine.
LINGUINE n. (Italian) a kind of pasta made in narrow strips, also LINGUINI.
LINGUINISlinguinis n. Plural of linguini.
LINGUINI n. (Italian) a kind of pasta made in narrow strips, also LINGUINE.
LINGUISASLINGUISA n. a spicy Portuguese sausage, also LINGUICA.
LINGUISTSlinguists n. Plural of linguist.
LINGUIST n. a person skilled in several languages.
LINGULATElingulate adj. In the shape of a tongue.
LINGULATE adj. shaped like the tongue or a strap, also LINGULATED.
OLINGUITOolinguito n. Bassaricyon neblina, a raccoon-like procyonid native to the Andean forests of Colombia and Ecuador.
OLINGUITO n. (Spanish) a small animal related to the olingo, living in the forests of Colombia and Ecuador.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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