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There are 6 nine-letter words containing LATAN

BLATANTLYblatantly adv. In a blatant manner; so as to be highly visible or obvious.
BLATANT adv. offensively obvious, also BLATTANT.
CHARLATANcharlatan n. (Obsolete) A mountebank, someone who addresses crowds in the street; (especially), an itinerant seller…
charlatan n. A malicious trickster; a fake person, especially one who deceives for personal profit.
CHARLATAN n. someone who pretends to have special knowledge or ability, esp. one who claims to have medical knowledge.
DILATANCYdilatancy n. The property of dilating or expanding, especially by means of an increase in space between the component parts.
dilatancy n. (Physics) The phenomenon of some substances whose viscosity increases with shear rate, or with pressure.
DILATANCY n. the property of increasing in volume when subjected to pressure or deformed.
DILATANTSdilatants n. Plural of dilatant.
DILATANT n. something that enlarges, also DILATER.
PLATANNASplatannas n. Plural of platanna.
PLATANNA n. (South African) the African clawed frog.
TARLATANStarlatans n. Plural of tarlatan.
TARLATAN n. (French) a thin, stiffly-starched, open-weave muslin, also TARLETAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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