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There are 12 nine-letter words containing LARIN

ASHLARINGashlaring n. The act of bedding ashlar in mortar.
ashlaring n. Ashlar when in thin slabs and made to serve merely as a case to the body of the wall.
ashlaring n. (Carpentry) The short upright pieces between the floor beams and rafters in garrets.
CELLARINGcellaring v. Present participle of cellar.
CELLAR v. to store in an underground room.
CLARINETSclarinets n. Plural of clarinet.
CLARINET n. a woodwind instrument, blown by a single reed, also CLARIONET.
COLLARINGcollaring v. Present participle of collar.
collaring n. Material for making shirt collars.
COLLAR v. to provide with a neckband.
DECLARINGdeclaring v. Present participle of declare.
declaring n. The act of making something known; announcing; proclaiming.
DECLARE v. to make known clearly.
FLARINGLYflaringly adv. In a flaring manner.
FLARING adv. FLARE, to display glaringly with a blaze.
GLARINESSglariness n. The quality of being glary; a dazzling brilliancy.
GLARINESS n. the state of being glary.
GLARINGLYglaringly adv. In a glaring manner…
GLARING adv. GLARE, to shine with a harshly brilliant light.
GOLLARINGgollaring v. Present participle of gollar.
GOLLAR v. (Scots) to make a loud gurgling sound, also GOLLER.
PILLARINGpillaring v. Present participle of pillar.
pillaring n. (Meteorology) Rapid rising of smoke clouds due to heat generated by burning munitions and/or existing…
PILLAR v. to supply with vertical building supports.
SOLLARINGsollaring v. Present participle of sollar.
SOLLAR v. (archaic) to put in a floor or garret.
TELLARINGTELLAR v. to produce such a shoot, also TELLER, TILLER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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