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There are 16 eight-letter words containing LUMIN

ALUMINASaluminas n. Plural of alumina.
ALUMINA n. an oxide of aluminum, also ALUMIN, ALUMINE.
ALUMINESALUMINE n. an oxide of aluminum, also ALUMIN, ALUMINA.
ALUMINICaluminic adj. (Chemistry) Of, relating to or containing aluminium.
ALUMINIC adj. of or containing aluminium; as, aluminic phosphate.
ALUMINUMaluminum n. American form and Canadian form standard spelling of aluminium.
ALUMINUM n. a light silvery malleable and ductile metallic element, also ALUMINIUM, ALUMIUM.
ENLUMINEenlumine v. (Obsolete) To illumine; to light up.
ENLUMINE v. (Spenser) to throw light upon, also ILLUMINE.
ILLUMINEillumine v. Synonym of illuminate.
ILLUMINE v. to throw light upon, also ENLUMINE.
ILLUMINGilluming v. Present participle of illume.
ILLUME v. to light up.
LUMINANTluminant adj. That illuminates; luminous.
luminant n. An illuminating agent.
LUMINANT n. a means of lighting.
LUMINARYluminary n. One who is an inspiration to others; one who has achieved success in one’s chosen field; a leading light.
luminary n. (Archaic) A body that gives light; especially, one of the heavenly bodies.
luminary n. (Archaic) An artificial light; an illumination.
LUMININGlumining v. Present participle of lumine.
LUMINE v. (obsolete) to illumine.
LUMINISMluminism n. (Art) An American artistic style of the 19th century, characterised by effects of light in landscapes.
LUMINISM n. a style of realist landscape painting.
LUMINISTluminist n. (Painting) A painter who works in the style of luminism.
LUMINIST n. a painter who uses the effects of light.
LUMINOUSluminous adj. Emitting light; glowing brightly; shining.
luminous adj. Brightly illuminated.
luminous adj. Clear; enlightening; easy to understand.
RELUMINErelumine v. To light or illuminate anew; to rekindle.
RELUMINE v. to light again, also RELUME.
RELUMINGreluming v. Present participle of relume.
RELUME v. to light again, also RELUMINE.
VOLUMINGvoluming v. Present participle of volume.
VOLUME v. to send or give out in large quantities.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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