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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing LORIS

CALORISEcalorise v. Alternative form of calorize.
CALORISE v. to coat steel with aluminum, also CALORIZE.
CALORISTcalorist n. (Historical) A scientist who favoured the caloric theory, dealing with the hypothetical medium of heat.
CALORIST n. a person who believes in the caloric theory.
COLORISECOLORISE v. to add colour with a computer, also COLORIZE, COLOURISE, COLOURIZE.
COLORISMcolorism n. (American spelling) Prejudice or bias against persons on the basis of their skin color or complexion…
colorism n. (Painting) A style of painting characterised by the use of intense color.
COLORISM n. coloring, also COLOURISM.
COLORISTcolorist n. One who colors; an artist with a talent for coloring.
colorist n. A hairdresser who is a specialist in colouring and tinting hair.
COLORIST n. a person skilled in the use of color.
FLORISTSflorists n. Plural of florist.
florist's n. A shop that sells flowers, a flower shop.
FLORIST n. a grower or seller of flowers.
PELORISMpelorism n. An abnormality in plants where the flower appears to revert to an earlier form.
PELORISM n. abnormal symmetry of structure in flowers normally zygomorphic (e.g. toadflax), also PELORIA, PELORY.
VALORISEvalorise v. Alternative spelling of valorize.
VALORISE v. to establish and maintain the price of by government action, also VALORIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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