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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing LLIST

BALLISTAballista n. (Weaponry, historical) An ancient military engine, in the form of a crossbow, used for hurling large missiles.
BALLISTA n. (Latin) a Roman machine for throwing projectiles, also BALISTA.
CELLISTScellists n. Plural of cellist.
CELLIST n. one who plays the cello.
DIALLISTdiallist n. Alternative form of dialist.
DIALLIST n. a dialer, also DIALIST.
DUELLISTduellist n. (British spelling) alternative spelling of duelist.
DUELLIST n. one who duels, also DUELER, DUELIST, DUELLER.
IDYLLISTidyllist n. A writer of idylls; an idyllic poet or writer; one who depicts idyllic or pastoral subjects.
IDYLLIST n. a writer of idyls, also IDYLIST.
NIELLISTniellist n. One who practices the style of ornamentation called niello.
NIELLIST n. one who practices the style of ornamentation called niello.
PHALLISTphallist n. Someone who practises phallism.
PHALLIST n. an adherent of phallism.
POLLISTSpollists n. Plural of pollist.
POLLIST n. one that polls, also POLLER, POLLSTER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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