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There are 12 eight-letter words containing LASTI

APLASTICaplastic adj. (Pathology) Relating to aplasia.
aplastic adj. (Pathology) Relating to the inability of the body to create new cells, such that tissue cannot grow or regenerate.
APLASTIC adj. relating to aplasia, incomplete development.
BLASTIERBLASTY adj. characterised by gusts of wind.
BLASTINGblasting v. Present participle of blast.
blasting n. A planned explosion, as in mining.
blasting n. The act by which something is blasted, or blighted.
CLASTICSclastics n. Plural of clastic.
CLASTIC n. a rock composed of other rocks.
ELASTICSelastics n. Plural of elastic.
elastics n. A children’s game in which players perform various jumping and trapping manoeuvres on long loops of…
ELASTIC n. a stretchable material.
ELASTINSelastins n. Plural of elastin.
ELASTIN n. a protein, the chief constituent of elastic tissue.
GELASTICgelastic adj. Pertaining to laughter, used in laughing, or to be the subject of laughter.
gelastic adj. (Medicine) Relating to a particularly severe form of epileptic fit, in which there is a sudden burst of energy.
GELASTIC adj. relating to laughter.
LASTINGSlastings n. Plural of lasting.
LASTING n. a sturdy cotton or worsted cloth.
PLASTICSplastics n. Plural of plastic.
plastics n. Plastic surgery, especially as a profession.
PLASTIC n. any of a group of synthetic or natural mouldable materials.
PLASTIDSplastids n. Plural of plastid.
PLASTID n. a structure in plant cells.
SILASTICSilastic prop.n. A type of flexible, inert silicone rubber, used especially in prosthetic medicine to make devices such…
SILASTIC n. (trademark) a flexible silicone rubber, used in the production of artificial limbs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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