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There are 15 seven-letter words containing LDING

BALDINGbalding v. Present participle of bald.
balding adj. Becoming bald, especially having male pattern baldness.
Balding prop.n. A surname.
BOLDINGbolding v. Present participle of bold.
Bolding prop.n. A surname.
BOLD v. to make type bold.
ELDINGSEldings prop.n. Plural of Elding.
ELDING n. (Scots) fuel, also ELDIN, EILDING, YEALDON.
FOLDINGfolding adj. Designed to fold; as a folding bed, a folding bicycle, a folding chair, etc.
folding n. The action of folding; a fold.
folding n. The keeping of sheep in enclosures on arable land, etc.
GELDINGgelding n. A castrated male horse.
gelding n. Any castrated male animal.
gelding n. (Archaic) A eunuch.
GILDINGgilding v. Present participle of gild.
gilding n. (Uncountable) The art of applying gold leaf to a surface.
gilding n. (Uncountable) Gold leaf.
HILDINGhilding n. A wretch, a contemptible person.
HILDING n. (archaic) a mean cowardly person, also HYLDING.
HOLDINGholding n. Something that one owns, especially stocks and bonds.
holding n. A determination of law made by a court.
holding n. A tenure; a farm or other estate held of another.
HYLDINGHYLDING n. (Spenser) a mean cowardly person, also HILDING.
MELDINGmelding v. Present participle of meld.
melding n. A composite or hybrid, the result of being melded.
MELD v. to merge, blend.
MILDINGMILD v. to become gentle.
MOLDINGmolding v. Present participle of mold.
molding n. The act or process of shaping in or on a mold, or of making molds; the art or occupation of a molder.
molding n. Anything cast in a mold, or which appears to be so, as grooved or ornamental bars of wood or metal.
WELDINGwelding v. Present participle of weld.
welding n. The action or process of welding…
WELDING n. the act of welding.
WILDINGwilding n. A wild apple or apple tree.
wilding n. Any plant that grows wild; a wildflower, etc.
wilding v. Present participle of wild.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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