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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing LAMIN

CARBYLAMINEcarbylamine n. (Obsolete, chemistry) an isocyanide.
CARBYLAMINE n. another name for isocyanide.
DELAMINATEDdelaminated adj. Whose laminations have been removed.
delaminated v. Past tense of delaminate.
DELAMINATE v. to split into layers.
DELAMINATESdelaminates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of delaminate.
DELAMINATE v. to split into layers.
ETHYLAMINESethylamines n. Plural of ethylamine.
ETHYLAMINE n. a colorless, mobile, inflammable liquid, very volatile and with an ammoniacal odor.
INFLAMINGLYinflamingly adv. In an inflaming manner.
INFLAMING adv. INFLAME, to set on fire.
LAMINARIANSlaminarians n. Plural of laminarian.
LAMINARIAN n. a brown seaweed.
LAMINARISEDlaminarised v. Simple past tense and past participle of laminarise.
LAMINARISE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARIZE.
LAMINARISESlaminarises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of laminarise.
LAMINARISE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARIZE.
LAMINARIZEDlaminarized v. Simple past tense and past participle of laminarize.
LAMINARIZE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARISE.
LAMINARIZESlaminarizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of laminarize.
LAMINARIZE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARISE.
LAMINATIONSlaminations n. Plural of lamination.
LAMINATION n. the act of laminating.
LAMINECTOMYlaminectomy n. (Surgery) The surgical procedure to remove the bony arch or lamina from one or more vertebrae.
LAMINECTOMY n. a kind of operation on the spine.
LAMINITISESLAMINITIS n. inflammation of a horse's lamina.
METHYLAMINEmethylamine n. (Organic chemistry) The simplest aliphatic amine, CH3NH2, a toxic gas, having many industrial applications.
METHYLAMINE n. an inflammable gas, obtainable from herring brine.
PHENYLAMINEphenylamine n. (Organic chemistry) Alternative name for aniline (C6H5NH2).
PHENYLAMINE n. another name for aniline.
PROPYLAMINEpropylamine n. (Organic chemistry) Either of two amines derived from propane, but especially the primary amine CH3
PROPYLAMINE n. an amine of propyl.
REINFLAMINGreinflaming v. Present participle of reinflame.
REINFLAME v. to inflame again.
SCOPOLAMINEscopolamine n. (Pharmacology) A poisonous alkaloid C17H21NO4 similar to atropine that is found in various solanaceous…
SCOPOLAMINE n. a sleep-inducing drug obtained from nightshade family of plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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