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There are 10 ten-letter words containing LITAR

MILITARIESmilitaries n. Plural of military.
MILITARY n. armed forces.
MILITARILYmilitarily adv. In a military or martial manner; not peaceably.
militarily adv. By way of military or otherwise belligerent means.
MILITARY adv. relating to armed forces.
MILITARISEmilitarise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of militarize.
MILITARISE v. to make military, also MILITARIZE.
MILITARISMmilitarism n. An ideology which claims that the military is the foundation of a society’s security, and thereby its…
militarism n. A focus on, or excessive use of, military force.
MILITARISM n. reliance on military force in administering government.
MILITARISTmilitarist n. One who believes in the use of military force.
MILITARIST n. a military man.
MILITARIZEmilitarize v. To give a military character to something, such as government or organization.
militarize v. To train or equip for war.
militarize v. To adopt for use by the military.
SOLITARIANsolitarian n. (Obsolete) A hermit; one who is solitary.
SOLITARIAN n. a hermit; a solitary.
SOLITARIESsolitaries n. Plural of solitary.
SOLITARY n. one who lives alone.
SOLITARILYsolitarily adv. In a solitary manner; alone.
SOLITARY adv. alone.
UNMILITARYunmilitary adj. Not military.
UNMILITARY adj. not military.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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