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There are 11 words containing LUNI

LUNIERlunier adj. Comparative form of luny: more luny.
LUNY adj. crazy.
LUNIESlunies n. Plural of luny.
LUNY n. a crazy person, also LOONY, LOONEY, LOONIE.
ALUNITEalunite n. (Mineralogy) A gray, water-soluble mineral, potassium aluminium sulphate; the natural source of alum…
ALUNITE n. a hydrous sulphate of aluminum and potassium, aka alumstone.
LUNIESTluniest adj. Superlative form of luny: most luny.
LUNY adj. crazy.
ALUNITESalunites n. Plural of alunite.
ALUNITE n. a hydrous sulphate of aluminum and potassium, aka alumstone.
LUNINESSLUNINESS n. the state of being luny.
LUNISOLARlunisolar adj. (Of a calendar) Based on both the lunar month and the solar year.
lunisolar adj. Pertaining to or caused by both the moon and the sun.
LUNISOLAR adj. relating jointly to the moon and sun.
LUNITIDALlunitidal adj. Of or pertaining to tides caused by the moon.
lunitidal adj. Describing the difference in time between the crossing of a meridian by the moon and the subsequent…
LUNITIDAL adj. pertaining to tidal movements dependent on the moon.
LUNINESSESLUNINESS n. the state of being luny.
FLUNITRAZEPAMflunitrazepam n. (Pharmacology) A short-acting benzodiazepine derivative with relatively long-lasting sedative effects…
FLUNITRAZEPAM n. a powerful hypnotic drug with relaxant properties.
FLUNITRAZEPAMSFLUNITRAZEPAM n. a powerful hypnotic drug with relaxant properties.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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