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There are 15 words containing LORU

FLORUITfloruit n. The time period during which a person, group, culture, etc. is at its peak.
FLORUIT n. (Latin) the period during which a person, movement, etc. was active.
FLORULAflorula n. Flora of a small area, a small flora.
FLORULA n. a fossil flower, also FLORULE.
FLORULEFLORULE n. a fossil flower, also FLORULA.
PELORUSpelorus n. A device used to take a bearing on a distant object.
PELORUS n. (Latin) a kind of compass from which bearings can be taken.
PYLORUSpylorus n. (Anatomy, biology) In vertebrates, including humans, a zone at the lower end of the stomach that leads…
pylorus n. A muscular or myovascular structure that controls the opening of an orifice or lumen of an organ.
PYLORUS n. (Latin) the opening between the stomach and the duodenum.
FLORUITSfloruits n. Plural of floruit.
FLORUIT n. (Latin) the period during which a person, movement, etc. was active.
FLORULAEFLORULA n. a fossil flower, also FLORULE.
FLORULESFLORULE n. a fossil flower, also FLORULA.
PULLORUMpullorum n. (Veterinary medicine) A severe infectious disease of young poultry, caused by a form of the salmonella bacterium.
PULLORUM adj. as in pullorum disease, a bacterial infection in chickens.
FLORUITEDSorry, definition not available.
PELORUSESpeloruses n. Plural of pelorus.
PELORUS n. (Latin) a kind of compass from which bearings can be taken.
PYLORUSESpyloruses n. Plural of pylorus.
PYLORUS n. (Latin) the opening between the stomach and the duodenum.
COCKALORUMcockalorum n. (Countable) A menial yet self-important person; a person who makes empty boasts.
cockalorum n. (Uncountable) Boastful speech, crowing.
cockalorum n. (Uncountable) A game similar to leapfrog.
FLORUITINGSorry, definition not available.
COCKALORUMScockalorums n. Plural of cockalorum.
COCKALORUM n. boastful talk; a boastful and self-important person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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