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There are 13 words containing LOAC

CLOACAcloaca n. (Sometimes figurative) A sewer.
cloaca n. (Zoology) The duct in reptiles, amphibians and birds, as well as most fish and some mammals, which serves…
cloaca n. An outhouse or lavatory.
CLOACAEcloacae n. Plural of cloaca.
CLOACA n. (Latin) the terminal part of the gut in birds.
CLOACALcloacal adj. Of or pertaining to the cloaca.
CLOACAL adj. relating to a cloaca.
CLOACALINEcloacaline adj. Synonym of cloacal.
CLOACALINE adj. relating to the cloaca, also CLOACAL, CLOACINAL.
CLOACAScloacas n. Plural of cloaca.
CLOACA n. (Latin) the terminal part of the gut in birds.
CLOACINALcloacinal adj. Cloacal; relating to a sewer.
CLOACINAL adj. relating to the cloaca, also CLOACAL, CLOACALINE.
CLOACITIScloacitis n. Inflammation of the cloaca.
CLOACITIS n. inflammation of the cloaca in birds.
CLOACITISESCLOACITIS n. inflammation of the cloaca in birds.
LOACHloach n. A bottom-feeding freshwater fish in the superfamily or suborder Cobitoidea.
loach n. (Slang) Synonym of LOH (light observation helicopter).
Loach prop.n. A surname.
LOACHESloaches n. Plural of loach.
LOACH n. a freshwater fish.
OXALOACETATEoxaloacetate n. (Organic chemistry) any salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid.
OXALOACETATE n. a salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid, also OXALACETATE.
OXALOACETATESoxaloacetates n. Plural of oxaloacetate.
OXALOACETATE n. a salt or ester of oxaloacetic acid, also OXALACETATE.
OXALOACETICoxaloacetic adj. (Organic chemistry) Relating to oxaloacetic acid and its derivatives.
OXALOACETIC adj. as in oxaloacetic acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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