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There are 10 words containing LMOS

ALMOSTalmost adv. Very close to, but not quite.
almost adv. (Mathematics) Up to, except for a negligible set (where negligible is not universally but contextually defined).
almost n. (Informal) Something or someone that doesn’t quite make it.
ABELMOSKabelmosk n. The edible and aromatic seed pods (properly, capsules) of the Abelmoschus moschatus.
abelmosk n. The tropical evergreen shrub Abelmoschus moschatus itself.
abelmosk n. (Uncommon, usually in the plural) Other members of the genus Abelmoschus, such as okra.
ABELMOSKSabelmosks n. Plural of abelmosk.
ABELMOSK n. an evergreen shrub of the East and West Indies, whose musky seeds are used in perfumery and to flavor coffee.
SERRASALMOSSERRASALMO n. a fish of the piranha genus.
EXOPHTHALMOSexophthalmos n. (Pathology) An abnormal protrusion of the eyeball from its socket.
EXOPHTHALMOS n. abnormal protrusion of the eyeball, also EXOPHTHALMUS.
EXOPHTHALMOSESexophthalmoses n. Plural of exophthalmos.
EXOPHTHALMOS n. abnormal protrusion of the eyeball, also EXOPHTHALMUS.
OPHTHALMOSCOPEophthalmoscope n. (Ophthalmology) An instrument for examining the interior of the eye (that is, for ophthalmoscopy).
OPHTHALMOSCOPE n. an instrument for viewing the interior of the eye.
OPHTHALMOSCOPYophthalmoscopy n. Examination of the eye with an ophthalmoscope.
ophthalmoscopy n. The design, construction and use of ophthalmoscopes.
OPHTHALMOSCOPY n. an examination by use of an ophthalmoscope.
OPHTHALMOSCOPESophthalmoscopes n. Plural of ophthalmoscope.
OPHTHALMOSCOPE n. an instrument for viewing the interior of the eye.
OPHTHALMOSCOPICophthalmoscopic adj. Of, pertaining to or using an ophthalmoscope.
OPHTHALMOSCOPIC adj. relating to ophthalmoscope.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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