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There are 6 words containing LIDU

SOLIDUMsolidum n. (Architecture) The die of a pedestal.
solidum n. (Scotland, law) A complete sum.
SOLIDUM n. (Latin) a large moulding along the base of a pedestal.
SOLIDUSsolidus n. (Historical) Various medieval and early modern coins or units of account, particularly…
solidus n. (Historical) The weight of the Roman gold coin, 1/60 of a Roman pound under Diocletian or 1/72 lb. (about…
solidus n. (Historical) A medieval French weight, 1/20 of the Carolingian pound.
SOLIDUMSsolidums n. Plural of solidum.
SOLIDUM n. (Latin) a large moulding along the base of a pedestal.
SOLIDUNGULATEsolidungulate n. (Zoology) A mammal having a single hoof on each foot.
SOLIDUNGULATE n. an animal with an uncloven hoof, also SOLIDUNGULOUS.
SOLIDUNGULOUSsolidungulous adj. (Zoology) solipedous.
SOLIDUNGULOUS adj. having a single hoof on each foot, also SOLIDUNGULATE.
SOLIDUNGULATESsolidungulates n. Plural of solidungulate.
SOLIDUNGULATE n. an animal with an uncloven hoof, also SOLIDUNGULOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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