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There are 7 words containing LEIA

PLEIADpleiad n. A group of illustrious or talented people, especially one with seven members.
Pleiad prop.n. (Historical) A group of 16th-century French poets who sought to enrich the French language.
Pleiad n. (Greek mythology) Any one of the Pleiades.
DOULEIAdouleia n. In Roman Catholicism, the inferior veneration accorded to saints and angels.
DOULEIA n. (Greek) in Roman Catholicism, the inferior veneration accorded to saints and angels, also DULIA.
PLEIADSpleiads n. Plural of pleiad.
Pleiads n. (Astronomy) plural of Pleiad.
PLEIAD n. (Greek) a group of seven illustrious persons.
BUDDLEIAbuddleia n. A tree or shrub of the genus Buddleja, especially Buddleja davidii, a large ornamental shrub whose lilac…
Buddleia prop.n. Alternative form of Buddleja.
BUDDLEIA n. a flowering shrub, aka butterfly bush.
DOULEIASDOULEIA n. (Greek) in Roman Catholicism, the inferior veneration accorded to saints and angels, also DULIA.
PLEIADESPleiades prop.n. (Greek mythology) The "seven sisters", companions of Artemis and daughters of the Titan Atlas and the…
Pleiades prop.n. (Astronomy) An open cluster of hot blue stars in the constellation Taurus, and the most easily visible…
PLEIAD n. (Greek) a group of seven illustrious persons.
BUDDLEIASbuddleias n. Plural of buddleia.
BUDDLEIA n. a flowering shrub, aka butterfly bush.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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