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There are 20 words containing LDES

ALCALDESalcaldes n. Plural of alcalde.
Alcaldes prop.n. Plural of Alcalde.
ALCALDE n. (Arabic) the mayor of a Spanish town, also ALCADE.
AULDESTauldest adj. Superlative form of auld: most auld.
AULD adj. (Scots) old.
BALDESTbaldest adj. Superlative form of bald: most bald.
BALD adj. without hair.
BOLDESTboldest adj. Superlative form of bold: most bold.
BOLD adj. brave, daring.
CAULDESTCAULD adj. (Scots) cold.
CHILDESChildes prop.n. Plural of Childe.
CHILDE n. a youth of gentle birth, esp. in ballads, also CHYLDE.
COLDESTcoldest adj. Superlative form of cold: most cold.
COLD adj. having no warmth.
COULDESTcouldest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple past form of can.
COULDEST v. (archaic) 2nd person past tense singular of can, also COULDST.
ELDESTeldest adj. Superlative form of old: most old; greatest in age or seniority.
eldest adj. (Card games) (of a player) Receiving cards from the dealer first, before any other players.
eldest adj. (Card games) (of a hand) Having higher, or superior cards.
ELDESTSeldests n. Plural of eldest.
ELDEST n. the oldest of a set of e.g. children.
GOLDESTgoldest adj. Superlative form of gold: most gold.
GOLD adj. of the colour of gold.
MILDESTmildest adj. Superlative form of mild: most mild.
MILD adj. gentle in temper and disposition.
OLDESToldest adj. Superlative form of old: most old.
oldest n. The oldest child in a family, or individual in a group.
OLD adj. living for a long time.
OULDESTouldest adj. Superlative form of ould: most ould.
OULD adj. (Irish) old.
RIBALDESTRIBALD adj. earthily sexy.
SHOULDESTshouldest v. Alternative form of shouldst.
SHALL v. used as an auxiliary to express futurity, inevitability, or command.
SOLDESSOLDE n. (Spenser) pay, remuneration, also SOLD.
TILDEStildes n. Plural of tilde.
TILDE n. (Spanish) the diacritical sign used over n in Spanish to indicate the sound ny.
WILDESTwildest adj. Superlative form of wild: most wild.
WILD adj. not tame.
WOULDESTwouldest v. Alternative spelling of wouldst.
WOULDEST v. (archaic) 2nd person past tense singular of would, also WOULDST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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