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There are 18 words containing LDAR

AMILDARamildar n. (Historical) A revenue collector having jurisdiction over several villages, in the British Raj.
AMILDAR n. (Urdu) a factor or manager in India, a collector of revenues.
GOLDARNgoldarn adj. (US, euphemistic) goddamn.
goldarn interj. (US, euphemistic) goddamn.
GOLDARN v. (colloquial) to damn, also GOLDURN.
AMILDARSamildars n. Plural of amildar.
AMILDAR n. (Urdu) a factor or manager in India, a collector of revenues.
CALDARIAcaldaria n. Plural of caldarium.
CALDARIUM n. (Latin) a hot room in a Roman bathhouse.
GOLDARNSGOLDARN v. (colloquial) to damn, also GOLDURN.
HAVILDARhavildar n. (India, Pakistan, Nepal) An noncommissioned officer rank in parts of India, later a specific military…
HAVILDAR n. (Urdu) the rank of sergeant in the Indian army.
RISALDARrisaldar n. Alternative form of ressaldar.
RISALDAR n. (Urdu) an Indian troop commander, also RESSALDAR.
CALDARIUMcaldarium n. In Roman baths, the hottest room, with a plunge-pool. It preceded the tepidarium and frigidarium.
caldarium n. In modern spas, a room with a hot floor.
CALDARIUM n. (Latin) a hot room in a Roman bathhouse.
GOLDARNEDgoldarned adj. (Euphemistic) goddamned.
GOLDARN v. (colloquial) to damn, also GOLDURN.
HAVILDARShavildars n. Plural of havildar.
HAVILDAR n. (Urdu) the rank of sergeant in the Indian army.
RESSALDARressaldar n. The native captain of an Indian cavalry regiment.
RESSALDAR n. (Urdu) an Indian troop commander, also RISALDAR.
RISALDARSrisaldars n. Plural of risaldar.
RISALDAR n. (Urdu) an Indian troop commander, also RESSALDAR.
TAHSILDARtahsildar n. Alternative spelling of tehsildar.
TAHSILDAR n. an Indian district official in charge of revenues.
TEHSILDARtehsildar n. An administrative officer in Pakistan and India who gathers taxes from a tehsil.
TEHSILDAR n. (Hindi) one who administrates a tehsil.
GOLDARNINGGOLDARN v. (colloquial) to damn, also GOLDURN.
RESSALDARSressaldars n. Plural of ressaldar.
RESSALDAR n. (Urdu) an Indian troop commander, also RISALDAR.
TAHSILDARStahsildars n. Plural of tahsildar.
TAHSILDAR n. an Indian district official in charge of revenues.
TEHSILDARStehsildars n. Plural of tehsildar.
TEHSILDAR n. (Hindi) one who administrates a tehsil.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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