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There are 11 words containing LADR

BALLADRIESballadries n. Plural of balladry.
BALLADRY n. ballads collectively.
BALLADRYballadry n. Ballads considered as a group; also, the sharing (transmission), making and performing of ballads, ballads…
BALLADRY n. ballads collectively.
LADRONladron n. Alternative form of ladrone.
LADRON n. (Spanish) a robber; a pirate; hence, loosely, a rogue or rascal, also LADRONE, LATRON.
LADRONEladrone n. A robber; a pirate; a rascal or rogue.
LADRONE n. (archaic) a robber; a pirate; hence, loosely, a rogue or rascal, also LADRON, LATRON.
LADRONESladrones n. Plural of ladrone.
LADRONE n. (archaic) a robber; a pirate; hence, loosely, a rogue or rascal, also LADRON, LATRON.
LADRONSladrons n. Plural of ladron.
LADRON n. (Spanish) a robber; a pirate; hence, loosely, a rogue or rascal, also LADRONE, LATRON.
MALADROITmaladroit adj. Not adroit; awkward, clumsy, inept.
maladroit n. Somebody who is inept, or lacking in skill, or talent.
MALADROIT adj. (French) clumsy, unskilful.
MALADROITLYmaladroitly adv. In a maladroit manner.
MALADROIT adv. (French) clumsy, unskilful.
MALADROITNESSmaladroitness n. The condition of being maladroit.
MALADROIT n. (French) clumsy, unskilful.
MALADROITNESSESmaladroitnesses n. Plural of maladroitness.
MALADROITNESS n. MALADROIT, (French) clumsy, unskilful.
MALADROITSmaladroits n. Plural of maladroit.
MALADROIT n. one who is clumsy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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