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There are 16 words containing LACU

INTERLACUSTRINEinterlacustrine adj. Situated or existing between lakes, especially the Great Lakes of Africa.
INTERLACUSTRINE adj. situated between lakes.
LACUNAlacuna n. (Particularly anatomy) A small opening; a small pit or depression, especially in bone.
lacuna n. A small blank space; a gap or vacancy; a hiatus.
LACUNA n. (Latin) an empty space or missing part, also LACUNE.
LACUNAElacunae n. Plural of lacuna.
lacunæ n. Obsolete typography of lacunae.
LACUNA n. (Latin) an empty space or missing part, also LACUNE.
LACUNALlacunal adj. Of or pertaining to a lacuna, like a lacuna.
LACUNAL adj. relating to a lacuna, a gap, also LACUNARY, LACUNATE.
LACUNARlacunar adj. (Medicine) Of or pertaining to a lacuna.
lacunar n. (Architecture) A sunken panel or coffer in a ceiling or a soffit.
lacunar n. (Architecture) A ceiling containing panels of this kind.
LACUNARIAlacunaria n. (Architecture) sunken panels; coffers.
LACUNAR n. (Latin) a sunken panel or coffer in a ceiling, also LAQUEARIA, LEQUEAR.
LACUNARSlacunars n. Plural of lacunar.
LACUNAR n. (Latin) a sunken panel or coffer in a ceiling, also LAQUEARIA, LEQUEAR.
LACUNARYlacunary adj. (Chiefly mathematics) Of, pertaining to, or having characteristics of a lacuna.
LACUNARY adj. relating to a lacuna, a gap, also LACUNAL, LACUNATE.
LACUNASlacunas n. Plural of lacuna.
LACUNA n. (Latin) an empty space or missing part, also LACUNE.
LACUNATElacunate adj. Having lacunae or gaps.
LACUNATE adj. relating to a lacuna, a gap, also LACUNAL, LACUNARY.
LACUNElacune n. A lacunar stroke or infarct.
lacune n. A lacuna.
LACUNE n. an empty space or missing part, also LACUNA.
LACUNESlacunes n. Plural of lacune.
LACUNE n. an empty space or missing part, also LACUNA.
LACUNOSElacunose adj. Full of gaps or lacunae.
LACUNOSE adj. marked by shallow depressions.
LACUNOSITIESLACUNOSITY n. the state of being lacunose.
LACUNOSITYlacunosity n. The quality of being lacunose.
LACUNOSITY n. the state of being lacunose.
LACUSTRINElacustrine adj. Of or relating to lakes.
LACUSTRINE adj. relating to lakes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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