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There are 10 nine-letter words containing LUNA

LUNANAUTSlunanauts n. Plural of lunanaut.
LUNANAUT n. an astronaut who has travelled to the moon, also LUNARNAUT.
LUNARIANSLunarians n. Plural of Lunarian.
LUNARIAN n. (archaic) an inhabitant of the moon; a student of the moon.
LUNARISTSlunarists n. Plural of lunarist.
Lunarists n. Plural of Lunarist.
LUNARIST n. one who thinks the moon affects the weather.
LUNARNAUTlunarnaut n. Someone who travels to the Moon.
LUNARNAUT n. one who travels to the moon, also LUNANAUT.
LUNATICALlunatical adj. (Rare) Lunatic.
LUNATICAL adj. crazy, also LUNATIC.
LUNATIONSlunations n. Plural of lunation.
LUNATION n. a lunar month; the interval between successive new moons.
MEZZALUNAmezzaluna n. A crescent-shaped steel blade attached to a wooden handle, used to chop food.
MEZZALUNA n. a half-moon shaped kitchen chopper.
SEMILUNARsemilunar adj. Shaped like a half-moon; crescent-shaped.
semilunar n. (Anatomy) The lunate bone, or semilunar bone.
SEMILUNAR adj. shaped like a half moon.
SUBLUNARYsublunary adj. Situated between the earth and the moon; sublunar or cislunar.
sublunary adj. Of this world (As opposed to heaven etc.); earthly, terrestrial.
sublunary n. (Obsolete) Any worldly thing.
SUBLUNATEsublunate adj. Almost or not quite lunate; approaching a crescent shape.
SUBLUNATE adj. approaching the form of a crescent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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