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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing LTIS

ALTISSIMOaltissimo n. (Music) The highest register of a woodwind instrument, or a specific note in this register.
ALTISSIMO adj. (Italian) very high.
ALTISSIMO n. the octave commencing an octave above the treble clef.
COLTISHLYcoltishly adv. In a coltish manner.
COLTISH adv. like a colt.
CULTISHLYcultishly adv. In a cultish manner.
CULTISH adv. having the qualities of a cult.
DOLTISHLYdoltishly adv. In a doltish manner.
DOLTISH adv. like a dolt.
MULTISITEmultisite adj. Occupying, or occurring at, multiple physical sites.
multisite adj. (Internet) Of or relating to more than one web site.
MULTISITE adj. having many sites.
MULTISIZEmultisize adj. Pertaining to, or having, more than one size.
MULTISIZE adj. coming in many sizes.
MULTISTEPmultistep adj. Involving multiple steps.
MULTISTEP adj. having many steps.
OCCULTISMoccultism n. The study of the supernatural.
occultism n. A belief in occult powers and the hope of controlling them.
OCCULTISM n. the study of the occult.
OCCULTISToccultist n. A person who dabbles in or practises occultism.
OCCULTIST n. one who studies the occult.
SALTISHLYsaltishly adv. In a saltish manner.
SALTISH adv. somewhat salty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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