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There are 13 nine-letter words containing LONE

ALONENESSaloneness n. The state of being alone; solitude, isolation.
ALONENESS n. the state of being alone.
BALLONETSballonets n. Plural of ballonet.
BALLONET n. in a balloon or dirigible, a small bag into which air is force or released.
COLONELCYcolonelcy n. (Military) The rank or office of a colonel.
COLONELCY n. the office, rank, or commission of a colonel.
DIPLONEMAdiplonema n. (Biology) The diplotene stage of meiosis.
DIPLONEMA n. a less common name for diplotene, a stage of meiotic prophase (cell division).
ECHELONEDecheloned v. Simple past tense and past participle of echelon.
ECHELON v. to arrange in a steplike formation.
ENFELONEDenfeloned adj. (Obsolete) Rendered fierce or frantic.
ENFELON v. (Spenser) to make fierce.
HYALONEMAHYALONEMA n. a genus of sponges, aka glass-rope sponge.
LONELIESTloneliest adj. Superlative form of lonely: most lonely.
LONELY adj. sad from lack of companionship.
LONESOMESlonesomes n. Plural of lonesome.
LONESOME n. on one's own.
PANTALONEPantalone prop.n. A surname from Italian.
PANTALONE n. (French) a movement in a quadrille, also PANTALON.
PROVOLONEprovolone n. A semi-hard cheese made of whole milk from cows. It comes primarily from Southern Italy.
PROVOLONE n. (Italian) a firm pliant smoked cheese of Italian origin.
QUINOLONEquinolone n. (Organic chemistry) Any of several isomeric ketones derived from quinoline.
quinolone n. (Medicine) Any of a range of broad-spectrum antibiotics, related to nalidixic acid, based on this structure.
QUINOLONE n. any of a group of antibiotics used esp. against infections of the urinary or respiratory tracts.
SNOWCLONEsnowclone n. A type of cliché which uses an old idiom formulaically placed in a new context.
SNOWCLONE n. a kind of cliche in which an existing cliche or pop culture catchphrases is turned into a modern analogy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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