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There are 15 nine-letter words containing LOGG

BECLOGGEDbeclogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of beclog.
BECLOG v. to clog up.
BLOGGABLEbloggable adj. Suitable for publication on a blog.
BLOGGABLE adj. forming a suitable subject for a blog.
BLOGGIESTBLOGGY adj. characteristic of blogging.
BLOGGINGSBLOGGING n. the act or practice of maintaining a blog.
CLOGGIESTcloggiest adj. Superlative form of cloggy: most cloggy.
CLOGGY adj. lumpy, sticky.
CLOGGINGScloggings n. Plural of clogging.
CLOGGING n. the act of clogging.
FLOGGABLEfloggable adj. Able to be flogged.
floggable adj. For which a person can be flogged.
FLOGGABLE adj. of an offence, punishable by flogging.
FLOGGINGSfloggings n. Plural of flogging.
FLOGGING n. a whipping.
KEYLOGGERkeylogger n. Alternative spelling of key logger.
key␣logger n. (Computing) Software or hardware designed to record keyboard entries, often for the purpose of stealing…
KEYLOGGER n. a device or software application for covertly recording keystrokes on a remote computer.
MOBLOGGERmoblogger n. One who moblogs.
MOBLOGGER n. one who keeps a moblog.
MUDLOGGERmudlogger n. A wellsite geologist.
MUDLOGGER n. a person who looks for oil, gas etc. in traces of mud excavated from a borehole.
PLOGGINGSPLOGGING n. a recreational activity, originating in Sweden, that combines jogging with picking up litter.
UNCLOGGEDunclogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of unclog.
unclogged adj. Not clogged; without a blockage or obstruction.
UNCLOG v. to free from obstruction.
VLOGGINGSVLOGGING n. the act of keeping a vlog, a video blog.
WEBLOGGERweblogger n. One who maintains a weblog.
WEBLOGGER n. one who keeps a weblog, a Web journal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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