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There are 19 nine-letter words containing LLOS

ALLOSAURSallosaurs n. Plural of allosaur.
ALLOSAUR n. a large, lizard-hipped carnivorous dinosaur.
ALLOSTERYallostery n. The quality of being allosteric.
ALLOSTERY n. of an enzyme, the property of being allosteric.
ARYBALLOSaryballos n. A small Ancient Greek flask used to hold perfume or oil.
aryballos n. An Incan ceramic vessel with long neck, bulbous body, two handles, and pointed bottom.
ARYBALLOS n. (Greek) a globular oil-flask with a neck.
BARGELLOSbargellos n. Plural of bargello.
BARGELLO n. (Italian) a type of needlework stitch that makes a zigzag pattern.
BORDELLOSbordellos n. Plural of bordello.
BORDELLO n. (Italian) a brothel, also BORDEL.
CALLOSITYcallosity n. (Countable) A callus.
callosity n. (Uncountable) A callous demeanour; insensitivity or hardheartedness.
CALLOSITY n. a hardening and thickening of the skin or bark, esp. as a result of continued pressure or friction.
CAUDILLOScaudillos n. Plural of caudillo.
Caudillos prop.n. Plural of Caudillo.
CAUDILLO n. (Spanish) in Spanish-speaking countries, a military or political leader.
CURSILLOSCURSILLO n. (tradename) a type of spiritual retreat.
LAMELLOSElamellose adj. Composed of, or having, lamellae; lamelliform.
LAMELLOSE adj. composed of, or having, lamellae.
MANZELLOSmanzellos n. Plural of manzello.
MANZELLO n. a musical instrument like the soprano saxophone.
MARTELLOSmartellos n. Plural of martello.
Martellos n. Plural of Martello.
MARTELLO n. (Italian) a circular fort for coastal defence.
OCOTILLOSocotillos n. Plural of ocotillo.
OCOTILLO n. (Nahuatl) a cactus-like Mexican tree.
PAPILLOSEpapillose adj. (Botany) Bearing, covered with or resembling papillae.
PAPILLOSE adj. covered with papules or papillae, also PAPILLOUS.
PIQUILLOSpiquillos n. Plural of piquillo.
PIQUILLO n. (Spanish) a variety of sweet red pepper.
PRUNELLOSprunellos n. Plural of prunello.
PRUNELLO n. (Italian) a fine kind of prune, esp. one made from a greengage.
SPADILLOSSPADILLO n. (obsolete) the ace of spades in the game of ombre, also SPADILLE, SPADILLIO.
TORNILLOStornillos n. Plural of tornillo.
TORNILLO n. (Spanish) a flowering shrub, aka screwbean.
UMBRELLOSumbrellos n. Plural of umbrello.
UMBRELLO n. (obsolete) an umbrella.
VILLOSITYvillosity n. The state of being villous.
VILLOSITY n. the state of being villous, abounding in, or covered with, fine hairs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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