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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing LLIG

ALLIGARTAALLIGARTA n. (obsolete) an alligator, also ALIGARTA.
ALLIGATEDalligated v. Simple past tense and past participle of alligate.
ALLIGATE v. to unite by some tie.
ALLIGATESalligates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of alligate.
ALLIGATE v. to unite by some tie.
ALLIGATORalligator n. Either of two species of large amphibious reptile, Alligator mississippiensis or Alligator sinensis…
alligator n. (Paleontology) A member of the family Alligatoridae, which includes the caimans.
alligator n. (Nigeria) dwarf crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis).
CALLIGRAMcalligram n. A word, phrase or longer text in which the typeface or the layout has some special significance.
calligram n. A signature made from interwoven Arabic words.
CALLIGRAM n. a design using the letters of a word, also CALLIGRAMME.
COLLIGATEcolligate v. (Transitive) To tie or bind together.
colligate v. (Transitive) To formally link or connect together logically; to bring together by colligation; to sum…
COLLIGATE v. to tie or bind together.
MILLIGALSmilligals n. Plural of milligal.
MILLIGAL n. a thousandth of a gallon.
MILLIGRAMmilligram n. An SI unit of mass, equivalent to one thousandth of a gram. Symbol: mg.
MILLIGRAM n. a thousandth of a gram, also MILLIGRAMME.
MULLIGANSmulligans n. Plural of mulligan.
Mulligans prop.n. Plural of Mulligan.
MULLIGAN n. a stew of meat and vegetables.
TAILLIGHTtaillight n. One of a pair of red lights mounted on the rear of a vehicle, so it can be seen from the rear at night.
tail␣light n. Alternative form of taillight.
TAILLIGHT n. a rear light on a vehicle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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