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There are 15 nine-letter words containing LINO

CIPOLLINOcipollino n. Alternative form of cipolin (“type of marble”).
CIPOLLINO n. (Italian) a kind of white marble streaked with green, also CIPOLIN.
CLINOAXESclinoaxes n. Plural of clinoaxis.
CLINOAXIS n. in crystallography, the clinodiagonal.
CLINOAXISclinoaxis n. The diagonal axis that makes an oblique angle with the vertical axis in a monoclinic crystal.
CLINOAXIS n. in crystallography, the clinodiagonal.
CLINOSTATclinostat n. A rotating device that is used to investigate gravitropism in plants.
CLINOSTAT n. an apparatus for studying tropisms in plants.
DICLINOUSdiclinous adj. (Botany, dated) unisexual.
diclinous adj. (Crystallography) diclinic.
DICLINOUS adj. having the stamens and pistils in separate flowers.
KLINOSTATklinostat n. Alternative form of clinostat.
KLINOSTAT n. a revolving stand for experimenting with growing plants.
LINOLEATElinoleate n. Any salt or ester of linoleic acid.
LINOLEATE n. a salt of linoleic acid.
LINOLENIClinolenic adj. Of or pertaining to linolenic acid or its derivatives.
LINOLENIC adj. as in linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid derived from linoleic acid.
LINOLEUMSlinoleums n. Plural of linoleum.
LINOLEUM n. a durable material used as floor covering.
LINOTYPEDlinotyped v. Simple past tense and past participle of linotype.
LINOTYPE v. to set a line of type using a linotype machine.
LINOTYPERlinotyper n. Synonym of linotypist.
LINOTYPER n. one who sets type using linotype.
LINOTYPESlinotypes n. Plural of linotype.
LINOTYPE v. to set a line of type using a linotype machine.
PALINODESpalinodes n. Plural of palinode.
PALINODE n. a poem which retracts an earlier poem, also PALINODY.
PALINOPIApalinopia n. Alternative form of palinopsia.
PALINOPIA n. a visual disorder in which the patient perceives a prolonged afterimage, also PALINOPSIA.
TELLINOIDTELLINOID adj. like a tellin, a kind of marine shell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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