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There are 20 nine-letter words containing LIEN

ALIENABLEalienable adj. Capable of being alienated, sold, or transferred to another.
ALIENABLE adj. capable of being alienated, sold, or transferred to another; as, land is alienable according to the laws of the state.
ALIENAGESalienages n. Plural of alienage.
ALIENAGE n. the state of being foreign, also ALIENISM.
ALIENATEDalienated v. Simple past tense and past participle of alienate.
alienated adj. Isolated; excluded; estranged.
ALIENATE v. to make indifferent or unfriendly.
ALIENATESalienates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of alienate.
ALIENATE v. to make indifferent or unfriendly.
ALIENATORalienator n. A person who alienates.
ALIENATOR n. one who alienates.
ALIENISMSalienisms n. Plural of alienism.
ALIENISM n. the state of being foreign, also ALIENAGE.
ALIENISTSalienists n. Plural of alienist.
ALIENIST n. a psychiatrist specialising in legal aspects of mental illness.
ALIENNESSalienness n. The condition of being alien.
ALIENNESS n. the state of being alien.
ANTIALIENantialien adj. Opposing aliens or foreigners.
ANTIALIEN adj. opposed to foreigners.
CLIENTAGEclientage n. Clients collectively; clientele.
clientage n. The condition of being a client.
CLIENTAGE n. clients collectively.
CLIENTELEclientele n. The body or class of people who frequent an establishment or purchase a service, especially when considered…
clientèle n. Alternative form of clientele.
CLIENTELE n. (French) a body of clients, a following.
EBULLIENTebullient adj. Enthusiastic; high-spirited.
ebullient adj. (Literally, of a liquid) Boiling or agitated as if boiling.
EBULLIENT adj. bubbling with enthusiasm or excitement.
EMOLLIENTemollient n. Something which softens or lubricates the skin; moisturizer.
emollient n. (Figurative) Anything soothing the mind, or that makes something more acceptable.
emollient adj. Moisturizing.
EOLIENNESeoliennes n. Plural of eolienne.
EOLIENNE n. (French) a fine dress fabric of silk and wool.
JULIENNEDjulienned v. Simple past tense and past participle of julienne.
JULIENNE v. to shred or cut into thin strips.
JULIENNESjuliennes n. Plural of julienne.
JULIENNE v. to shred or cut into thin strips.
LIENTERIClienteric adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to, or of the nature of, lientery.
lienteric n. (Medicine) A lientery.
LIENTERIC adj. of or pertaining to a lientery, the discharge of partially digested food.
RESILIENTresilient adj. (Of objects or substances) Returning quickly to original shape after force is applied; elastic.
resilient adj. (Of systems, organisms or people) Returning quickly to normal after damaging events or conditions.
RESILIENT adj. springing back.
SALIENCESsaliences n. Plural of salience.
SALIENCE n. a projecting feature or detail, also SALIENCY.
SALIENTLYsaliently adv. In a salient manner, relevantly, germanely.
SALIENT adv. strikingly conspicuous; prominent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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