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There are 19 nine-letter words containing LERO

BANDOLERObandolero n. An outlaw or bandit, especially in Spain or Mexico.
BANDOLERO n. (Spanish) a highwayman.
CABALLEROcaballero n. A horseman, particularly in the Latin American context.
caballero n. A Spanish gentleman.
caballero n. A Spanish line dance.
CAVALEROScavaleros n. Plural of cavalero.
CAVALERO n. a horseman, also CABALLERO.
CHOLEROIDcholeroid adj. Like cholera; choleriform.
CHOLEROID adj. like cholera.
DECELERONdeceleron n. (Aviation) A two-part aileron that can be deflected as a unit to provide roll control, or split open…
DECELERON n. a type of aileron.
FLEROVIUMflerovium n. The chemical element with atomic number 114.
FLEROVIUM n. an artificially produced radioactive transuranic element.
SALEROOMSsalerooms n. Plural of saleroom.
SALEROOM n. a room where goods for sale, esp. at auction, are displayed, also SALESROOM.
SCLEROMASscleromas n. Plural of scleroma.
SCLEROMA n. (Greek) a hardened patch of cellular tissue.
SCLEROSALsclerosal adj. Exhibiting or relating to sclerosis.
SCLEROSAL adj. affected with sclerosis, induration.
SCLEROSEDsclerosed adj. Hardened by sclerosis.
sclerosed adj. (Figurative) Hardened; fixed; inflexible; tough.
sclerosed adj. (Botany) lignified.
SCLEROSESscleroses n. Plural of sclerosis.
SCLEROSE v. to harden; to affect with sclerosis.
SCLEROSISsclerosis n. (Pathology) The abnormal hardening of body tissues, such as an artery; the appearance of hardenings…
sclerosis n. Inability to create change or excessive resistance to change.
SCLEROSIS n. hardening; morbid hardening, e.g. of arteries by deposition of fatty plaques.
SCLEROTALsclerotal adj. (Anatomy) sclerotic.
sclerotal n. (Anatomy) The optic capsule; the sclerotic coat of the eye.
SCLEROTAL n. a sclerotic bone or plate.
SCLEROTIAsclerotia n. Plural of sclerotium.
SCLEROTIUM n. a hardened body formed by certain fungi, such as by the Claviceps purpurea, which produces ergot.
SCLEROTICsclerotic adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the sclera of the eye.
sclerotic adj. (Anatomy or pathology) Having or relating to sclerosis; hardened.
sclerotic adj. (Figurative) Hard and insular; resistant to change.
SCLEROTINsclerotin n. (Biochemistry) The crosslinked protein component of the cuticles of insects.
SCLEROTIN n. in insects, a protein in the cuticle that becomes hard and dark.
TAILERONStailerons n. Plural of taileron.
TAILERON n. either part of a two-piece tailplane whose two halves can operate independently or together.
TELEROBOTtelerobot n. A robot that can be controlled remotely; a telerobotic system.
TELEROBOT n. a robot under continuous human control), for example as used to perform a task in an area unsafe for the human operator such as in nuclear decommissioning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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