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There are 19 nine-letter words containing LAME

BEDLAMERSbedlamers n. Plural of bedlamer.
BEDLAMER n. (Canadian) a young harp seal.
BLAMEABLEblameable adj. Alternative spelling of blamable.
BLAMEABLE adj. deserving of blame, also BLAMABLE.
BLAMEABLYblameably adv. Alternative spelling of blamably.
BLAMEABLE adv. deserving of blame, also BLAMABLE.
BLAMELESSblameless adj. Free from blame; without fault; innocent.
blameless adj. Not meriting blame or censure; undeserving of reproof.
BLAMELESS adj. without blame.
CYCLAMENScyclamens n. Plural of cyclamen.
CYCLAMEN n. a primulaceous flowering plant.
FILAMENTSfilaments n. Plural of filament.
FILAMENT n. a slender threadlike body, fibre.
FLAMELESSflameless adj. That does not emit flames.
FLAMELESS adj. without a flame.
FLAMELETSflamelets n. Plural of flamelet.
FLAMELET n. a small flame.
FLAMELIKEflamelike adj. Resembling a flame or its colour.
FLAMELIKE adj. like a flame.
FLAMENCOSflamencos n. Plural of flamenco.
FLAMENCO n. (Spanish) an emotionally intense gypsy song or dance.
FLAMEOUTSflameouts n. Plural of flameout.
flame-outs n. Plural of flame-out.
FLAMEOUT n. a failure of a jet engine in flight.
INFLAMERSinflamers n. Plural of inflamer.
INFLAMER n. one who inflames.
LAMEBRAINlamebrain n. (Slang, derogatory) A fool.
lame-brain n. Alternative form of lamebrain.
lame␣brain n. Alternative form of lamebrain.
LAMELLATElamellate adj. Composed of, or furnished with, thin plates or scales.
lamellate adj. Having at least some component segments being lengthened on one side and flattened into circles, making…
LAMELLATE adj. composed of, or furnished with, thin plates or scales, also LAMELLATED.
LAMELLOIDlamelloid adj. Resembling a lamella.
LAMELLOID adj. like lamellae, in thin plates.
LAMELLOSElamellose adj. Composed of, or having, lamellae; lamelliform.
LAMELLOSE adj. composed of, or having, lamellae.
LAMENTERSlamenters n. Plural of lamenter.
LAMENTER n. one who laments.
LAMENTINGlamenting v. Present participle of lament.
lamenting n. Lamentation.
LAMENTING adj. expressing sorrow or regret.
REINFLAMEreinflame v. (Transitive, intransitive) To inflame again.
REINFLAME v. to inflame again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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