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There are 18 eight-letter words containing LOSI

CELOSIAScelosias n. Plural of celosia.
CELOSIA n. an ornamental plant of the amaranth family.
CLOSINGSclosings n. Plural of closing.
CLOSING n. a concluding part.
CYCLOSIScyclosis n. (Biology) The circulation of protoplasm within a cell.
CYCLOSIS n. the circulation of cytoplasm.
DIPLOSISDIPLOSIS n. a method of chromosome formation.
ECLOSINGeclosing v. Present participle of eclose.
ECLOSE v. to emerge from a pupal case.
ECLOSIONeclosion n. (Biology) The emergence of an insect from the pupa case, or of a larva from the egg.
ECLOSION n. the emergence of insect from pupa.
GELOSIESgelosies n. Plural of gelosy.
GELOSY n. (Spenser) being resentful of another's advantages, also JEALOUSY, GEALOUSY.
GULOSITYgulosity n. (Now rare) Excessive appetite; greed, gluttony.
GULOSITY n. (archaic) enormous appetite; greediness.
HAPLOSIShaplosis n. (Biology) The halving of the number of chromosomes during meiosis, resulting in the haploid number.
HAPLOSIS n. the halving of the chromosome number.
KYLLOSISkyllosis n. (Medicine, rare) clubfoot.
KYLLOSIS n. clubfoot.
LOSINGLYlosingly adv. In a manner that loses or will lose.
losingly adv. (Rare or obsolete) In a manner that causes loss.
LOSING adv. tending to suffer loss.
PILOSITYpilosity n. The quality or state of being pilose.
PILOSITY n. the state of being pilose; hairiness.
PLOSIONSplosions n. Plural of plosion.
PLOSION n. a release of breath after articulating certain consonants.
PLOSIVESplosives n. Plural of plosive.
PLOSIVE n. an explosive (sound), as p.
PSILOSISpsilosis n. (Phonology) The sound change by which Greek lost the consonant sound /h/ during antiquity.
psilosis n. (Medicine) Sprue, a disease of the small intestine.
PSILOSIS n. (Greek) loss of hair.
PTILOSISptilosis n. (Ornithology) The appearance or study of feathers on a bird, including factors such as their texture or shape.
ptilosis n. (Medicine) Loss of the eyelashes, due to ulceration or other damage to the follicles.
PTILOSIS n. (Greek) plumage or mode of feathering.
THYLOSISTHYLOSIS n. an ingrowth from a neighbouring cell through a pit into a vessel, also THYLOSE, TYLOSIS.
TYLOSINStylosins n. Plural of tylosin.
TYLOSIN n. an antibiotic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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