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There are 18 eight-letter words containing LOPE

ALOPECIAalopecia n. Baldness.
alopecia n. (Pathology) Deficiency of the hair, which may be caused by failure to grow or loss after growth.
alopecia n. (Medicine) Loss of hair (especially on the head) or loss of wool or feathers, whether natural or caused by disease.
ALOPECICalopecic adj. Relating to or suffering from alopecia.
ALOPECIC adj. relating to baldness.
ANTELOPEantelope n. Any of several African mammals of the family Bovidae distinguished by hollow horns, which, unlike deer…
antelope n. (US) The pronghorn, Antilocapra americana.
antelope n. (Archaic, mythology) A fierce legendary creature said to live on the banks of the Euphrates, having…
CYCLOPEScyclopes n. Plural of cyclops.
Cyclopes prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cyclopedidae – the silky anteater.
CYCLOPS n. a genus of freshwater copepods.
DEVELOPEdevelope v. Archaic spelling of develop.
DEVELOPE v. to bring to a more advanced state, also DEVELOP.
DOLLOPEDdolloped v. Simple past tense and past participle of dollop.
DOLLOP v. to dispense in small amounts.
ENVELOPEenvelope n. A paper or cardboard wrapper used to enclose small, flat items, especially letters, for mailing.
envelope n. Something that envelops; a wrapping.
envelope n. A bag containing the lifting gas of a balloon or airship; fabric that encloses the gas-bags of an airship.
ESCALOPEescalope n. A thin slice of meat, especially veal or poultry.
escalope n. (Heraldry) A charge (depiction) of the scallop.
ESCALOPE v. (French) to cut in a scallop shape, also ESCALOP.
GALLOPEDgalloped v. Simple past tense and past participle of gallop.
GALLOP v. to ride a horse at full speed.
GALLOPERgalloper n. One who gallops.
galloper n. An aide-de-camp.
galloper n. A racehorse.
GANTLOPEgantlope n. The military punishment known as running the gauntlet.
GANTLOPE n. an armoured glove, also GANTELOPE, GANTLET, GAUNTLET.
GOLLOPEDgolloped v. Simple past tense and past participle of gollop.
GOLLOP v. to gulp hastily.
GOLLOPERGOLLOPER n. one who gollops.
LOLLOPEDlolloped v. Simple past tense and past participle of lollop.
LOLLOP v. to lounge, also LOLL.
STYLOPESSTYLOPS n. a genus of insects including parasitic wasps, also STYLOPID.
UPSLOPESupslopes n. Plural of upslope.
UPSLOPE n. an upward slope.
WALLOPEDwalloped v. Simple past tense and past participle of wallop.
WALLOP v. to beat soundly.
WALLOPERwalloper n. One who wallops.
walloper n. (Ireland) A cudgel, a shillelagh.
walloper n. (Scotland, slang, derogatory, vulgar) penis; (by extension) an idiot, a stupid person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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