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There are 13 eight-letter words containing LLUM

BLELLUMSBLELLUM n. (Scots) an idle boring chatterer.
CHILLUMSchillums n. Plural of chillum.
CHILLUM n. (Hindi) the part of a hookah water-pipe containing the bowl and tobacco-balls.
CORALLUMcorallum n. (Zoology) The coral or skeleton of a zoophyte, whether calcareous or horny, simple or compound.
CORALLUM n. (Latin) the skeleton of a coral colony.
GALLUMPHgallumph v. Alternative form of galumph.
GALLUMPH v. to move with a clumsy heavy tread, also GALUMPH.
ILLUMINEillumine v. Synonym of illuminate.
ILLUMINE v. to throw light upon, also ENLUMINE.
ILLUMINGilluming v. Present participle of illume.
ILLUME v. to light up.
LABELLUMlabellum n. The lower central petal of a flower (especially an orchid), usually developed to be showy and attract pollinators.
labellum n. (Entomology) Part of the mouth of an insect, especially the sucking mouthparts of a fly.
LABELLUM n. (Latin) the lower petal of an orchid.
MACALLUMMacallum prop.n. A surname.
MACALLUM n. (Scots) a dish of vanilla ice-cream topped with raspberry sauce.
REILLUMEreillume v. (Archaic) To light again; to reilluminate.
REILLUME v. to light again.
SACELLUMsacellum n. A small chapel, as a monument within a church.
sacellum n. (Historical) In Ancient Rome, a shrine open to the sky, sometimes used for sacrificial purposes, or…
SACELLUM n. (Latin) an unroofed space consecrated to a divinity.
SCHELLUMschellum n. Alternative form of schelm (“a villain or scoundrel”).
SCHELLUM n. (Scots) a scoundrel, rascal, also SCHELM, SKELLUM, SKELM, SKELUM.
SKELLUMSskellums n. Plural of skellum.
SKELLUM n. (Scots) a scoundrel, rascal, also SCHELLUM, SCHELM, SKELM, SKELUM.
VEXILLUMvexillum n. A flag, banner, or standard.
vexillum n. A company of troops serving under one standard.
vexillum n. The sign of the cross.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 18 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 23 words
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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