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There are 16 eight-letter words containing LADE

ACCOLADEaccolade n. An expression of approval; praise.
accolade n. A special acknowledgment; an award.
accolade n. An embrace of greeting or salutation.
BALLADEDballaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of ballad.
BALLAD v. to make ballads about, also BALLANT, BALLAT, BALLET.
BALLADESballades n. Plural of ballade.
BALLADE n. (French) a poetic form, originally for singing.
DEFILADEdefilade v. (Transitive, military) To fortify (something) as a protection from enfilading fire.
defilade n. A fortification having such protection.
DEFILADE v. (French) to plan a fortification so as to protect it or those in it from raking crossfire.
ENFILADEenfilade n. A line or straight passage, or the position of that which lies in a straight line.
enfilade n. Gunfire directed along the length of a target.
enfilade n. (Architecture) A series of doors that provide a vista when open.
ESCALADEescalade n. An act of scaling walls or fortifications.
escalade v. (Military, dated) To scale the walls of a fortification.
ESCALADE v. (French) to scale the walls of a fortress by ladders, also ESCALADO, SCALADE, SCALADO.
GRILLADEgrillade n. (US) A piece of slow-cooked meat (usually beef, veal, or pork) traditionally served with grits in New Orleans cuisine.
grillade n. (Dated) Any grilled food.
GRILLADE n. (French) a dish of grilled meat.
LADENINGLADEN v. to load with cargo, also LADE, LAID, LOAD, LOADEN.
LADETTESladettes n. Plural of ladette.
LADETTE n. a lively woman who behaves like one of the lads.
OEILLADEoeillade n. (Literary) A glance, especially an amorous one; an ogle.
œillade n. Alternative spelling of oeillade.
OEILLADE n. (French) an amorous glance, also ELIAD, EYELIAD, EYLIAD, ILLIAD.
OVERLADEoverlade v. (Transitive) To load with too great a cargo or other burden; overburden; overload.
OVERLADE v. to load with too great a burden, also OVERLOAD.
PHOLADESpholades n. Plural of pholas.
PHOLAS n. (Greek) a mollusc of the piddock genus of rock-boring molluscs.
REMOLADEremolade n. Archaic form of remoulade.
REMOLADE n. (French) a piquant sauce, also REMOULADE.
ROULADESroulades n. Plural of roulade.
ROULADE n. (French) a meat roll.
SAWBLADEsawblade n. The blade of a saw.
SAWBLADE n. the blade of a saw.
SCALADESscalades n. Plural of scalade.
SCALADE n. the scaling of walls of a fortress by ladders, also ESCALADE, ESCALADO, SCALADO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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