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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing LTIE

CULTIERCULTY adj. intended to appeal to a small group of fashionable people.
FELTIERFELTY adj. matted like felt.
JOLTIERjoltier adj. Comparative form of jolty: more jolty.
JOLTY adj. in a jolting manner.
KELTIESKELTY n. (Scots) a bumper or glass filled to the brim, esp. one imposed as a forfeit, also KELTIE.
KILTIESkilties n. Plural of kiltie.
KILTY n. one who wears a kilt (a type of skirt), also KILTIE.
MALTIERmaltier adj. Comparative form of malty: more malty.
MALTY adj. resembling malt.
MELTIERmeltier adj. Comparative form of melty: more melty.
MELTY adj. liable to melt.
MILTIERMILTY adj. full of milt.
REALTIEREALTIE n. (Milton) sincerity, honesty.
SALTIERsaltier adj. Comparative form of salty: more salty.
saltier n. Alternative form of saltire.
SALTIER n. an X-shaped cross, a St Andrew's Cross, also SALTIRE.
SALTIESsalties n. Plural of saltie.
SALTIE n. a deep-sea vessel sailing the Great Lakes.
SHELTIEsheltie n. Alternative letter-case form of Sheltie.
Sheltie n. A Shetland pony; by extension, any small pony.
Sheltie n. A Shetland sheepdog.
SILTIERsiltier adj. Comparative form of silty: more silty.
SILTY adj. full of silt.
WALTIERWALTY adj. inclined to tip over or lean.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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