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There are 12 seven-letter words containing LLAG

COLLAGEcollage n. A picture made by sticking other pictures onto a surface.
collage n. A composite object or collection (abstract or concrete) created by the assemblage of various media;…
collage n. (Uncountable) The technique of producing a work of art of this kind.
ELLAGICellagic adj. Of or pertaining to gallnuts.
ELLAGIC adj. relating to gallnuts, as, ellagic acid.
FULLAGEfullage n. The fulling or cleansing cloth.
fullage n. The fee paid for such a service.
FULLAGE n. a charge for fulling cloth.
MILLAGEmillage n. A tax rate on property, expressed in mills of the property’s value.
Millage prop.n. A surname.
MILLAGE n. a type of monetary rate.
PILLAGEpillage v. (Transitive, intransitive) To loot or plunder by force, especially in time of war.
pillage n. The spoils of war.
pillage n. The act of pillaging.
SULLAGEsullage n. The liquid discharges from kitchens, washbasins, toilets etc; sewage.
sullage n. Silt or sediment deposited from flowing water.
sullage n. That which sullies or defiles.
TALLAGEtallage n. An impost.
tallage n. (UK, law, obsolete or historical) A certain rate or tax paid by barons, knights, and inferior tenants…
tallage v. To lay an impost upon.
TILLAGEtillage n. The cultivation of arable land by plowing, sowing and raising crops.
tillage n. Land cultivated in this way.
TILLAGE n. the operation of tilling, preparing land for seed.
TOLLAGEtollage n. Payment of a toll.
tollage n. The amount or quantity paid as a toll.
TOLLAGE n. payment of toll; also, the amount or quantity paid as toll.
ULLAGEDullaged adj. Of a container: possessing a significant amount of ullage (empty space).
ullaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of ullage.
ULLAGE v. to reckon the leakage or evaporation of.
ULLAGESullages n. Plural of ullage.
ULLAGE v. to reckon the leakage or evaporation of.
VILLAGEvillage n. A rural habitation of size between a hamlet and a town.
village n. (Britain) A rural habitation that has a church, but no market.
village n. (Australia) A planned community such as a retirement community or shopping district.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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