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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing LICI

ALLICINallicin n. (Organic chemistry) An organic compound, diallyl thiosulfinate, obtained from garlic, with a variety…
ALLICIN n. a liquid compound formed from garlic.
COLICINcolicin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a class of proteins, secreted by certain strains of bacteria, that kill but do…
COLICIN n. an antibacterial substance, also COLICINE.
CULICIDculicid n. (Zoology) Any mosquito in the family Culicidae.
CULICID n. a mosquito, also CULEX, CULICINE.
ELICITSelicits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of elicit.
ELICIT v. to draw forth.
FELICIAfelicia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Felicia of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae.
Felicia prop.n. A female given name from Latin, feminine form of Felix.
Felicia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – various herbaceous plants.
ILLICITillicit adj. (Law) Not approved by law, but not invalid.
illicit adj. Breaking social norms.
illicit adj. Unlawful.
LICITLYlicitly adv. In a licit manner, legally, in a manner compatible with law.
LICIT adv. not forbidden by law, permissible.
SALICINsalicin n. A glucoside derivative of salicylic acid; the active principle of willow bark, once used medicinally.
SALICIN n. a bitter crystalline glucoside obtained from willow-bark, etc. and used medicinally as an analgesic, etc., also SALICINE.
SILICICsilicic adj. Of, related to, or derived from silica.
SILICIC adj. relating to or obtained from silica; as, silicic acid.
SLICINGslicing n. The action of the verb to slice.
slicing v. Present participle of slice.
SLICING n. the act of slicing.
SOLICITsolicit v. To persistently endeavour to obtain an object, or bring about an event.
solicit v. To woo; to court.
solicit v. To persuade or incite one to commit some act, especially illegal or sexual behavior.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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