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There are 8 seven-letter words containing LIBE

CALIBERcaliber n. Diameter of the bore of a firearm, typically measured between opposite lands.
caliber n. The diameter of round or cylindrical body, as of a bullet, a projectile, or a column.
caliber n. A nominal name for a cartridge type, which may not exactly indicate its true size and may include other…
FILIBEGfilibeg n. Alternative form of philibeg.
LIBELEDlibeled v. (US) simple past tense and past participle of libel.
LIBEL v. to make a defamatory statement about.
LIBELEElibelee n. The party against which a libel (hostile handbill) has been filed by a libelant.
LIBELEE n. one who is libeled, also LIBELLEE.
LIBELERlibeler n. One who libels.
LIBELER n. one that libels, also LIBELIST, LIBELLER.
LIBERALliberal adj. (Now rare outside set phrases) Pertaining to those arts and sciences the study of which is considered…
liberal adj. Generous; permitting liberty; willing to give unsparingly.
liberal adj. Ample, abundant; generous in quantity.
LIBEROSliberos n. Plural of libero.
LIBERO n. (Italian) a footballer who plays behind the backs, a sweeper.
LIBERTYliberty n. The condition of being free from control or restrictions.
liberty n. The condition of being free from imprisonment, slavery or forced labour.
liberty n. The condition of being free to act, believe or express oneself as one chooses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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