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There are 20 seven-letter words containing LAST

AGELASTagelast n. (Rare) one who never laughs (especially at jokes); a mirthless person.
AGELAST n. (Greek) someone who never laughs.
ALASTORalastor n. An avenging spirit or deity.
ALASTOR n. (Greek) an avenging deity in Greek tragedy.
ARBLASTarblast n. (Obsolete except historical) A wooden crossbow with a special drawing mechanism, used to fire bolts, stones etc.
ARBLAST n. a type of crossbow, also ARBALEST, ARBALIST, ARBELEST.
BALLASTballast n. (Nautical) Heavy material that is placed in the hold of a ship (or in the gondola of a balloon), to provide stability.
ballast n. (Figuratively) Anything that steadies emotion or the mind.
ballast n. Coarse gravel or similar material laid to form a bed for roads or railroads, or in making concrete; track ballast.
BLASTEDblasted v. Simple past tense and past participle of blast.
blasted adj. Subjected to an explosion.
blasted adj. Subjected to violent gusts of wind; storm-damaged.
BLASTERblaster n. Anything that, or anyone who blasts.
blaster n. A device to detonate an explosive, often consisting of a box with a handle to be pressed down.
blaster n. (Science fiction) An unspecified powerful hand weapon, usually one that fires an energy pulse or beam.
CLASTICclastic adj. Made up of parts that are easily removable.
clastic adj. (Geology, of rock) Made from fragments of pre-existing rocks.
clastic n. (Geology) A rock made from fragments of pre-existing rocks.
ELASTICelastic adj. Capable of stretching; particularly, capable of stretching so as to return to an original shape or size…
elastic adj. Made of elastic.
elastic adj. Of clothing, elasticated.
ELASTINelastin n. (Biochemistry) A protein, similar to collagen, found in connective tissue, that has elastic properties.
ELASTIN n. a protein, the chief constituent of elastic tissue.
LASTAGElastage n. (Obsolete) A duty exacted, in some fairs or markets, for the right to carry things where one will.
lastage n. (Obsolete) A tax on wares sold by the last.
lastage n. (Obsolete) The lading of a ship; ballast.
LASTERSlasters n. Plural of laster.
Lasters prop.n. Plural of Laster.
LASTER n. a worker who shapes a boot or shoe by fixing the parts smoothly on a last.
LASTINGlasting adj. Persisting for an extended period of time.
lasting adj. (Obsolete) Persisting forever.
lasting v. Present participle of last.
OBLASTIoblasti n. Plural of oblast.
OBLAST n. (Russian) a political subdivision of a republic in the former USSR.
OBLASTSoblasts n. Plural of oblast.
OBLAST n. (Russian) a political subdivision of a republic in the former USSR.
OUTLASToutlast v. (Transitive) To live, last or remain longer than.
OUTLAST v. to last longer than.
PLASTERplaster n. (Uncountable) A paste applied to the skin for healing or cosmetic purposes.
plaster n. (Countable, Britain, New Zealand, Canada) A small adhesive bandage to cover a minor wound; a sticking plaster.
plaster n. (Uncountable) A mixture of lime or gypsum, sand, and water, sometimes with the addition of fibres, that…
PLASTICplastic n. A synthetic, solid, hydrocarbon-based polymer, whether thermoplastic or thermosetting.
plastic n. (Colloquial, metonymically) Credit or debit cards used in place of cash to buy goods and services.
plastic n. (Figurative, slang) insincerity; fakeness, or a person who is fake or arrogant, or believes that they…
PLASTIDplastid n. (Cytology) Any of various organelles found in the cells of plants and algae, often concerned with photosynthesis.
PLASTID n. a structure in plant cells.
UNLASTEUNLACE v. to unfasten the laces of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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