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There are 19 seven-letter words containing LARI

BLARINGblaring n. Any loud noise, such as from an elephant.
blaring v. Present participle of blare.
BLARE v. to sound loudly.
CLARIESclaries n. Plural of clary.
CLARY n. any plant of the genus Salvia sclarea, sometimes used as a culinary herb.
CLARIFYclarify v. (Of liquids, such as wine or syrup) To make clear or bright by freeing from feculent matter.
clarify v. To make clear or easily understood; to explain in order to remove doubt or obscurity.
clarify v. (Ergative) To grow or become clear or transparent; to become free from feculent impurities, as wine…
CLARINICLARINO n. (Italian) the highest register of a trumpet in baroque music.
CLARINOclarino n. (Music) A reed stop in an organ.
CLARINO n. (Italian) the highest register of a trumpet in baroque music.
CLARIONclarion n. (Music, historical or poetic) A medieval brass instrument chiefly used as a battle signal; related to…
clarion n. (By extension).
clarion n. (Heraldry) A charge thought to represent a type of wind instrument, a keyboard instrument like a spinet…
CLARITYclarity n. The state or measure of being clear, either in appearance, thought or style; lucidity.
clarity n. The ability to be easily understood.
CLARITY n. the state of being clear.
FILARIAfilaria n. Any of the parasitic nematode worms of superfamily Filarioidea that live in the blood of vertebrates…
Filaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Filariidae – certain filarial worms.
FILARIA n. (Latin) a parasitic worm, also FILARIID.
FLARIERFLARY adj. tending to flare.
FLARINGflaring v. Present participle of flare.
flaring n. The act of something that flares.
flaring n. (Oil industry) The deliberate open-air burning of natural gas that is generated as a by-product of various…
GLARIERglarier adj. Comparative form of glary: more glary.
GLARY adj. glaring.
GLARINGglaring adj. Reflecting with glare.
glaring adj. Blatant, obvious.
glaring v. Present participle of glare.
LARIATSlariats n. Plural of lariat.
LARIAT v. (Spanish) to catch with a long rope with a running noose, also LASSO, LAZO.
LARIGANLARIGAN n. a type of leather boot, also LARRIGAN.
MALARIAmalaria n. A disease spread by mosquito, in which a protozoan, Plasmodium, multiplies in blood every few days.
malaria n. (Archaic) Supposed poisonous air arising from marshy districts, once thought to cause fever.
MALARIA n. an infectious tropical disease.
SOLARIAsolaria n. Plural of solarium.
SOLARIUM n. (Latin) a room exposed to the sun.
TALARIAtalaria n. (Greek mythology, Roman mythology) The winged sandals worn by certain gods and goddesses, especially…
TALARIA n. (Latin) small wings or winged shoes represented as fastened to the ankles, chiefly used as an attribute of Mercury or Hermes.
VELARIAvelaria n. Plural of velarium.
VELARIUM n. (Latin) an awning over an ancient Roman theatre.
VELARICvelaric adj. (Linguistics) Produced by combining a closure at the velum and a lowering of the tongue to decrease…
VELARIC adj. pertaining to the velar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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