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There are 17 six-letter words containing LONG

BELONGbelong v. (Intransitive) To have its proper place.
belong v. (Intransitive, followed by to) To be part of, or the property of.
belong v. (Intransitive, followed by to) To be the spouse or partner of. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
FLONGSflongs n. Plural of flong.
FLONG n. papier-mache for making stereotype moulds.
KALONGkalong n. A fruit bat, especially the Indian edible fruit bat or black-eared flying fox (Pteropus melanotus).
KALONG n. (Malay) a fruit-eating bat.
KLONGSklongs n. Plural of klong.
KLONG n. (Thai) in Thailand, a canal.
LONGANlongan n. An evergreen tree, Dimocarpus longan, of the Sapindaceae family, native to southern China.
longan n. The fruit from the longan tree.
Long'an prop.n. A district of Anyang, Henan, China.
LONGASlongas n. Plural of longa.
LONGA n. (Latin) a long note.
LONGEDlonged v. Simple past tense and past participle of long.
LONG v. to desire strongly.
LONGERlonger adj. Comparative form of long: more long.
longer adv. Comparative form of long: more long.
longer n. One who longs or yearns for something.
LONGESlonges n. Plural of longe.
Longes prop.n. Plural of Longe.
LONGE v. to guide a horse by means of a long rope.
LONGLYlongly adv. For a long time; wearisomely.
longly adv. (Obsolete) With longing desire.
LONGLY adv. (Shakespeare) long.
OBLONGoblong adj. Having a length and width that are different; not square or circular.
oblong adj. (The addition of quotations indicative of this usage is being sought:) Roughly rectangular or elliptical.
oblong adj. (Bookmaking) Having the horizontal axis of a page longer than the vertical; In landscape orientation.
OOLONGoolong n. A partially fermented tea, often roasted, which combines the characteristics of green tea and black tea.
OOLONG n. (Chinese) a variety of black tea, also OULONG.
OULONGoulong n. Archaic form of oolong.
OULONG n. (Chinese) a kind of black tea, also OOLONG.
PLONGDPLONGD v. (Spenser) plunged.
PLONGEplonge v. (Transitive) To cleanse, as open drains which are entered by the tide, by stirring up the sediment when the tide ebbs.
PLONGE v. (Spenser) to plunge, also PLONG.
PLONGSPLONG v. (Spenser) to plunge, also PLONGE.
SHLONGshlong n. Alternative form of schlong.
SHLONG n. (slang) a penis, also SCHLONG.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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