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There are 13 six-letter words containing LITE

APLITEaplite n. (Geology) A fine-grained granitic rock composed mostly of quartz and feldspars.
APLITE n. a fine-grained, light-coloured igneous rock, also HAPLITE.
BLITESblites n. Plural of blite.
BLITE n. a genus of herbs of the goosefoot family.
ELITESelites n. Plural of elite.
élites n. Plural of élite.
ELITE n. a socially select group.
FLITEDflited v. Simple past tense and past participle of flite.
FLITE v. (Scots) to quarrel, brawl, also FLYTE.
FLITESflites n. Plural of flite.
flites v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flite.
FLITE v. (Scots) to quarrel, brawl, also FLYTE.
HALITEhalite n. (Mineralogy) Native salt; sodium chloride NaCl as a mineral; rock salt.
halite n. (Chemistry) An oxyanion containing a halogen in the +3 oxidation state.
HALITE n. a native salt; sodium chloride.
ILLITEillite n. (Mineralogy) A micaceous phyllosilicate clay mineral with aggregates of grey or white monoclinic crystals.
ILLITE n. a white or pale clay mineral found in shales or sediments.
IOLITEiolite n. (Gemology) The clear variety of cordierite, sometimes used as a gem.
IOLITE n. a transparent gem, varying in colour with the light it transmits.
LITERSliters n. Plural of liter.
LITER n. (US) a measure of capacity in the metric system, a cubic decimeter, also LITRE.
LITESTlitest adj. Superlative form of lite: most lite.
LITE adj. of food and drink, low in calories, alcoholic content, etc.
OOLITEoolite n. (Geology) A rock consisting of spherical grains within a mineral cortex accreted around a nucleus, often…
oolite n. (Countable, rare) An ooid or oolith.
oölite n. Alternative form of oolite.
PELITEpelite n. (Geology) A sedimentary rock containing very fine particles.
PELITE n. any rock derived from clay or mud.
POLITEpolite adj. Well-mannered, civilized.
polite adj. (Obsolete) Smooth, polished, burnished.
polite v. (Obsolete, transitive) To polish; to refine; to render polite.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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