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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing LIST

DELISTdelist v. To remove from an official register or list.
DELIST v. to remove from a list.
ENLISTenlist v. (Transitive) To enter on a list; to enroll; to register.
enlist v. (Intransitive) To voluntarily join a cause or organization, especially military service.
enlist v. (Transitive) To recruit the aid or membership of others.
HOLISTholist adj. (Education, of a learning strategy) That concentrates on forming an overview of the topic.
holist n. A believer in, or practitioner of, holism; one who believes that a topic of study cannot be fully understood…
holist n. (Sociology) One who advocates studying society as a whole, and who consistently interprets the actions…
HYLISThylist n. A proponent of the philosophy of hylism.
HYLIST n. a materialist, also HYLICIST, HYLOIST.
LISTEDlisted v. Simple past tense and past participle of list.
listed adj. Entered on a list, especially an official one.
listed adj. (Britain, of a building) protected from demolition or alteration.
LISTEElistee n. One who appears on a list.
LISTEE n. one who is on the list.
LISTELlistel n. (Architecture) A narrow fillet or border.
LISTEL n. (archaic) a narrow border or moulding.
LISTENlisten v. (Intransitive) To pay attention to a sound or speech.
listen v. (Intransitive) To expect or wait for a sound, such as a signal.
listen v. (Intransitive) To accept advice or obey instruction; to agree or assent.
LISTERlister n. A spear armed with three or more prongs, for striking fish.
lister n. One who, or that which, lists or produces a listing.
lister n. A person or organisation that creates or maintains lists.
MALISTmalist n. One who subscribes to the theory of malism; someone who thinks the world is evil.
MALICE v. to have ill-will towards another.
RELISTrelist v. To list again.
RELIST v. to list again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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