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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing LLUS

ALLUSIVENESSallusiveness n. The quality of being allusive.
ALLUSIVENESS n. a quality characterized by indirect reference.
DISILLUSIONSdisillusions n. Plural of disillusion.
disillusions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disillusion.
DISILLUSION v. to free from illusion.
ILLUSIONISMSillusionisms n. Plural of illusionism.
ILLUSIONISM n. the doctrine that the external world is illusory.
ILLUSIONISTSillusionists n. Plural of illusionist.
ILLUSIONIST n. a person who produces illusory effects.
ILLUSIVENESSillusiveness n. The quality of being illusive; deceptiveness; false show.
ILLUSIVENESS n. the state of being illusive.
ILLUSORINESSillusoriness n. The quality of being illusory.
ILLUSORINESS n. the state of being illusory.
ILLUSTRATEDSillustrateds n. Plural of illustrated.
ILLUSTRATED n. an illustrated magazine.
ILLUSTRATINGillustrating v. Present participle of illustrate.
ILLUSTRATE v. to elucidate and amplify by pictures.
ILLUSTRATIONillustration n. The act of illustrating; the act of making clear and distinct…
illustration n. The state of being illustrated, or of being made clear and distinct.
illustration n. Something which illustrates; a comparison or example intended to make clear or apprehensible, or to remove obscurity.
ILLUSTRATIVEillustrative adj. Demonstrative, exemplative, showing an example or demonstrating.
ILLUSTRATIVE adj. serving to illustrate.
ILLUSTRATORSillustrators n. Plural of illustrator.
ILLUSTRATOR n. one who illustrates.
ILLUSTRATORYillustratory adj. Serving to illustrate.
ILLUSTRATORY adj. serving to illustrate.
MOLLUSCICIDEmolluscicide n. A substance that kills molluscs.
molluscicide v. To kill molluscs.
MOLLUSCICIDE n. the killing of molluscs.
MOLLUSCOIDALmolluscoidal adj. Molluscoid.
MOLLUSCOIDAL adj. like a mollusc.
PROTHALLUSESprothalluses n. Plural of prothallus.
PROTHALLUS n. the free-living gametophyte of a fern or other vascular cryptogam, also PROTHALLIUM.
THIOBACILLUSthiobacillus n. Any bacillus that is capable of metabolising sulfur, especially members of the genus Thiobacillus.
Thiobacillus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Hydrogenophilaceae – the sulfur bacteria.
THIOBACILLUS n. any of several rod-shaped bacteria that derive energy from the oxidation of sulphur or sulphur compounds.
UNILLUSIONEDunillusioned adj. Not illusioned.
UNILLUSIONED adj. free from illusion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 43 words
  • Scrabble in French: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 30 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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