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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing LETE

AUTOCOMPLETEautocomplete v. (Computing) To complete automatically.
autocomplete n. (Computing) A software feature that predicts the rest of a word a user is typing.
AUTOCOMPLETE n. a software feature that predicts which words the user is typing and completes them automatically.
COMPLETENESScompleteness n. The state or condition of being complete.
completeness n. (Logic) The property of a logical theory that whenever a wff is valid then it must also be a theorem…
COMPLETENESS n. the state of being complete.
CYBERATHLETEcyberathlete n. (Dated) One who competes professionally in video game tournaments.
CYBERATHLETE n. a professional player of computer games.
HEPTATHLETESheptathletes n. Plural of heptathlete.
HEPTATHLETE n. an athlete who takes part in heptathlons.
INCOMPLETELYincompletely adv. In an incomplete manner.
incompletely adv. To an incomplete degree.
INCOMPLETE adv. lacking a part.
MONOTHELETESMonotheletes n. Plural of Monothelete.
MONOTHELETE n. a believer in Monotheletism.
OBSOLETENESSobsoleteness n. The quality or state of being obsolete or no longer in use.
obsoleteness n. (Biology) The quality of being imperfectly or indistinctly developed.
OBSOLETENESS n. the state of being obsolete.
PAMPHLETEERSpamphleteers n. Plural of pamphleteer.
PAMPHLETEER v. to write and/or distribute pamphlets.
PENTATHLETESpentathletes n. Plural of pentathlete.
PENTATHLETE n. an athlete participating in a pentathlon.
SNAGGLETEETHsnaggleteeth n. Plural of snaggletooth.
SNAGGLETOOTH n. an irregular, broken, or projecting tooth.
SUPERATHLETEsuperathlete n. A very skilled and successful athlete.
SUPERATHLETE n. a very good athlete.
TALETELLINGSTALETELLING n. the act of telling stories; the act of gossiping in an indiscreet manner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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