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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing LICO

BELLICOSELYbellicosely adv. In a bellicose manner.
BELLICOSE adv. warlike.
BELLICOSITYbellicosity n. The characteristic of being bellicose.
BELLICOSITY n. the state of being bellicose.
CATHOLICONScatholicons n. Plural of catholicon.
CATHOLICON n. a cure-all; a panacea.
CAULICOLOUScaulicolous adj. (Botany) That grows parasitically on the stems of other plants.
caulicolous adj. (Architecture) Relating to a caulicole.
CAULICOLOUS adj. growing on a stem.
COQUELICOTScoquelicots n. Plural of coquelicot.
COQUELICOT n. (French) a brilliant red, poppy red.
HELICOGRAPHhelicograph n. An instrument for drawing spiral lines on a plane.
HELICOGRAPH n. an instrument for drawing spirals on a plane.
HELICOPTERShelicopters n. Plural of helicopter.
helicopters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of helicopter.
HELICOPTER v. to travel by helicopter.
HELICOPTINGhelicopting v. Present participle of helicopt.
HELICOPT v. to travel by helicopter.
LAMELLICORNlamellicorn adj. (Entomology, of antennae) Having a group of flat lamellae on the end.
lamellicorn adj. (Entomology, of beetles) Having such antennae.
lamellicorn n. (Obsolete) A scarabaeid beetle with such antennae, in the obsolete taxon Lamellicornia.
SALICORNIASSALICORNIA n. any plant, such as glasswort, of the Salicornia genus of goosefoots, found on salt marshes.
SILICONISEDsiliconised adj. Alternative form of siliconized.
SILICONISED adj. of glassware, treated or coated with silicon, also SILICONIZED.
SILICONIZEDsiliconized adj. Treated or coated with silicone.
SILICONIZED adj. of glassware, treated or coated with silicon, also SILICONISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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