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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing LERO

ANAPLEROSESanapleroses n. Plural of anaplerosis.
ANAPLEROSIS n. the filling up of a deficiency.
ANAPLEROSISanaplerosis n. The replenishment of a deficiency, or refilling of the space left by a destroyed part.
anaplerosis n. (Biochemistry) An intermediate enzyme reaction that replaces a depleted vital compound.
ANAPLEROSIS n. the filling up of a deficiency.
ANAPLEROTICanaplerotic adj. (Biochemistry, of a reaction) Forming intermediates of a metabolic pathway (eg. the tricarboxylic acid cycle).
anaplerotic adj. (Medicine, dated) Filling up; promoting granulation of wounds or ulcers.
anaplerotic n. A remedy which promotes such granulation.
CRINKLEROOTcrinkleroot n. Cardamine diphylla, a spring woodland plant native to North America.
CRINKLEROOT n. any of several species of toothwort.
GUERRILLEROguerrillero n. A guerrilla fighter.
GUERRILLERO n. a guerrilla, someone who takes part in guerrilla warfare.
PLEROPHORIAplerophoria n. Alternative form of plerophory.
PLEROPHORIA n. full conviction, also PLEROPHORY.
SADDLEROOMSSADDLEROOM n. a room where saddles and harness are kept.
SCLEROCAULYSCLEROCAULY n. possession of a hard, dry stem.
SCLERODERMAscleroderma n. (Medicine) A chronic systemic autoimmune disease characterized by hardening the skin or other organs…
Scleroderma prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Sclerodermataceae – earth ball.
SCLERODERMA n. a disease marked by hardening of skin.
SCLERODERMSscleroderms n. Plural of scleroderm.
SCLERODERM n. one of a tribe of plectognath fishes having the skin covered with hard scales, or plates, as the cowfish and the trunkfish.
SCLEROMETERsclerometer n. A device used to measure the hardness of a material by applying pressure to a moving diamond stylus.
SCLEROMETER n. an instrument for measuring the hardness of minerals.
SCLEROPHYLLsclerophyll n. (Biology) A form of vegetation that has hard leaves and short internodes.
SCLEROPHYLL n. a hard, leathery leaf; a woody plant, esp. of hot, arid regions, with such leaves.
SCLEROTIOIDSCLEROTIOID adj. of, relating to, or resembling a sclerotium.
SCLEROTISEDsclerotised v. Simple past tense and past participle of sclerotise.
SCLEROTISE v. to harden or darken, also SCLEROTIZE.
SCLEROTISESsclerotises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sclerotise.
SCLEROTISE v. to harden or darken, also SCLEROTIZE.
SCLEROTITISsclerotitis n. (Medicine) inflammation of the sclerotic coat.
SCLEROTITIS n. inflammation of the sclerotic, also SCLERITIS.
SCLEROTIZEDsclerotized v. Simple past tense and past participle of sclerotize.
SCLEROTIZE v. to harden or darken, also SCLEROTISE.
SCLEROTIZESsclerotizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sclerotize.
SCLEROTIZE v. to harden or darken, also SCLEROTISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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